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Swachh Bharat Recycle Machine


Approximately 7.2 million tonnes of hazardous waste is generated every year. In addition to this industries discharge about 150 million tons of high volume low hazard waste every year which is mostly dumped on open ground & low lying areas. Research shows that at current rate 1 Sq.Km of additional landfill area is needed every year to accommodate the waste that is being generated. 

About 0.1 million tons of municipal solid waste is generated in India every day. That is approximately 36.5 million tons annually. Municipalities spend approximately Rs.500 to Rs.1500 per ton on solid waste for collection, transportation, treatment and disposal. About 60-70% of this amount is spent on collection, 20-30% on transportation and less than 5% on final disposal Out of
the total municipal waste collected, on an average 94% is dumped on land and 5% is composted.

Mission: Hoga Clean India!!

Through Swachh Bharat Recycle machine one aims to become a Global Corporate Citizen, committed to recycling every PET bottle that is thrown into waste. In the recent year’s, with the amount of untreated waste growing at an alarming rate, the demand for recycling solutions like Swachh Bharat Recycle Machines has consistently increased. 

These machines have been designed to dispose and recover products effectively and are used for cost effective means for recycling and disposal of waste.


The recycler places the empty bottle/can into the receiving aperture; the horizontal in-feed system allows the user to insert containers one at a time. The bottle/can is then automatically rotated; scanned by an Omnidirectional UPC Scanner, which scans the beverage container's UPC.

Once a container is scanned, identified (matched to database) and determined to be a participating container, it is processed and typically crushed (for one-time-use Containers) to reduce its size, to avoid spillages of liquid and to increase storage capacity. Re-fillable containers are collected and sorted by hand to be brought back to the bottling company. The machines can use material recognition instead of/as well as a bar code scanner when needed. 


1. Users get an instant reward when returning used containers, motivating repeated use.

2. Water usage is reduced by 80%. 

3. Increases recycling rates and lowers greenhouse gas emissions.

4. Creates Job opportunities.

5. Creates awareness and educates people on the pressing issue of waste management.

6. Better for business: 

  • Offers a proven solution that keeps litter off the streets and reduces the need for other expensive waste programs.

  • Creates labor savings in stores by automating manual tasks.

  •  Yields space and logistics savings as the material is compressed reducing storage space in stores and on-board trucks.


7. Better for the environment:

  • Maximizes material value and maintains material properties as the containers are sorted by material type.

  • This keeps the material fractions so clean they can even be recycled into new containers thus closing the material loop and avoiding downgrading.

  • Decreases transportation needs as the material is sorted and compressed on site, optimizing transportation capacity and avoiding transport for sorting.


8. Convenient and engaging for users:

  • Makes recycling easy as the RVS typically is stationed inside or in the entrance of grocery retail stores.

  • Makes recycling convenient as it is fast and clean. The instant reward motivates people for repeated use.

  • RVS- potentially powerful tool that can be used for sales-promotions and branding.

  • Incorporating RVS into operations makes the company/business a model of sustainable practise.


Contact Details:

Dr. Hrishikesh Vishe 

Programme Head


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